
BiB/i'd is a service to enable your readers to read EPUB books at your blog.

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BiB/i'd backups ebook authors

It enables ebooks(EPUB) to embed to your blog.

  1. Upload an EPUB file.

  2. HTML tag to embed will be generated.
  3. Embed the tag into your blog.
  4. The EPUB will be able to read on your blog.

It provides your RSS feeds from which readers can know your new book and download it.

  1. Paste your feed URI generated by BiB/i'd to your blog.
  2. Encourage your readers to register it to their podcast application.
  3. Upload your book to BiB/i'd
  4. The book will be notified of upload and downloaded automatically.

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BiB/i'd is made by tools below

EPUB reader which works in browser.
Web application framework in Ruby.
Ligature Symbols
Icons made by ligature.
Twitter Bootstrap
Useful CSS framework.